
Speech - Visuals in Communication

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I am an employee at Lifetouch. Several devices are utilized at Lifetouch on a daily basis to guarantee the high quality of our goods and services. This slide presentation to help show everything that I assist with at Lifetouch and all things that I have learned. I will show what the company has taught me. I chose PowerPoint as the platform. I picked this platform because PowerPoint presentations are easily readable and easily presented through overhead projectors. It can be used effortlessly in the orientation of 5-200 employees. Individuals who are newly employed are the targeted audience for my presentation. This presentation will also be used in the annual orientation that I hold for existing employees. The audience will be of both genders and the age limit will be between 18 and 60 years old. The audience will be divided into first, second and third shifts. Every shift will have two meeting times. I will utilize Calibri 45-47 inches in my slides with the title in yellow font. I have selected the background to be black or white according to the selected pictures. The headings of the slides will be emphasized with the 45-47 inch yellow font. The first slide will be the preliminary slide explaining how the devices are a matter of interest for the audience. The first, second, and third visuals will display the pictures that newly hired employees may observe in every department of the plant. I will explain the meaning of each picture in the first slide. Visual one is the Lifetouch symbol for Lean and Six Sigma. This symbol is seen everywhere where a Lean or Six Sigma event occurred or where more information about these two things can be learnt by the employees. I have used this logo so that employees are better informed about the places they can visit to gain information about Lean and Six Sigma. Lean Manufacturing is the approach used for the eradication of waste and non-value items by enhancing Lifetouch processes continually. Our Lean Manufacturing concentrates on Manage through Fact, Value Stream Mapping, Kaizen and 5S events. It is developed such that it enhances procedures and focuses on quality at the foundation (Poka-Yoke), and waste reduction (MUDA). Visual two is the symbol representing “Quest for Operational Excellence” which can be seen in each department of Lifetouch. This logo shows what Lifetouch has gone through to acquire excellence and the acronyms that will be used by employees. For the introduction, I will describe the journey of Lifetouch along with the acronyms. The main reason I am using this symbol is to apprise the employees of the acronyms mentioned in the visual. The yearbook plants at Lifetouch have gone on an amazing journey of learning and knowledge with the help of our Operational Excellence Strategy. Acronyms are used often and as the employees work with their departments, they will understand what each means and how they are related to our OpEx Strategy. Policy Deployment (PD) is the procedure of fixing aims and objectives that correspond with home office aims and objectives. By this correspondence, it is guaranteed that budgeted commitments are being met to the customers, employees and home office. Score carding is done on a weekly and monthly basis to track KPI’s and confirm that the aims and objectives are fulfilled. The plant management team gathers monthly to evaluate the performance of the company with the PD objectives. The organizational structure, pr

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