
Short Story - The Sky is Not Blue

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I wake up this morning to a thin blanket of white, covering our front lawn. It isn’t even an inch, but in this part of town a slight dusting brings everything to a standstill. It’s enough snow to cancel school. My little brother, Teddy lets out a big “yay” when mums radio announces the closure of the school. “Snow day!” he bellows. “Dad let’s make a snowman.” I can tell that dad is happy. Barely an inch of snow means that all the schools in the country are closed, including my high school and the middle school were dad works. My mother, who works for a travel agent in town, clicks off the radio and pours herself a second cup of coffee. “Well if you lot are having the day off, no way I’m going to work, its simply not right.” She picks up the telephone to call in. when she’s done, she looks at us. “I need more coffee. Anyone else?” Mum asked hovering over me. “I’m thinking of going back to bed” I say. I hear a crash and a boom coming from upstairs. Teddy is pounding on his drum kit. It use to belong to dad. Dad grins at Teddy’s noise. “So much for going back to bed” mum yells over Teddy’s noise. “What do you know, the snows already melting” dad says while puffing on his pipe. I go to the back door and look outside. A patch of sunlight has broken through the clouds. I close the door and go back to the table. “Well they can’t uncancel school now” mum says. “True, but we might take advantages of this unexpected blessing and go somewhere” dad says. “Take a drive, go visit Katie and Justin. Katie and Justin are a couple of mum and dads old music friends. “Teddy” dad calls “get dressed, were going on an adventure.” A moment later he’s jumping into the kitchen fully dressed. We pile into the car, mum and dad offer to let me drive, but I say no. I lean my head against the window and watch the scenery go pass. It was so warm in the car that the window keeps fogging up, so I

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