
The Glass Bees by Ernst Jünger

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Truths often go undiscovered due to one’s inability to grasp the big picture, especially when that picture is scaled as large as the earth itself; however, as the protagonist in the novel “The Glass Bees” by Ernst Junger lets us in on a secret: “there are as many organs in a fly as in a leviathan” (Junger, 132). Through the micro-analyses of a small colony of automated bees, one becomes aware of macro capitalist influences plaguing the world in its entirety. The creator of the automatons, Zapparoni, proves the prevalence of the Gestell-mindset influencing corporate powerhouses through the design his glass bees, as well as its mode production fuelled by Bestand and guided by Technique. Zapparoni is a man of utmost power due to his financial wealth, and invests it towards inventions that reveal not only his Gestell mentality, but the Bestand exploitations that allow these creations to thrive. Gestell has the one goal of storing up replacements by collecting and altering earth’s finite supplies, and converts it into stores of homogenous ones. The glass bee’s, Zapparoni’s invention, was designed for the sole purpose of storing homogenous supplies of honey. Their cycle begins with the collection of “[t]he nectar which bees suck from the blossoms” followed by its alteration as it “is worked up in their stomachs where it undergoes various changes” (130). The cycle continues with the process of storage, as “[t]he bees, magnetically attracted, [insert] their tongues and [empty] their glass bellies” into the openings of the hive where it trickles into “[t]he lower half of the hive [which] obviously served as a tank or storeroom” (130). It is proven true that the operational cycle of these bees mimic the goal of Gestell exactly, as honey becomes the homogenous supply that is collected and altered for storage. Furthermore, Gestell invokes an inner desire to order earth’s offerings as standing reserves called Bestand, in hopes to spur a cycle of consumption and utility. This conversion is instigated by first reformulating one of earth’s natural aspects into a “mine” to generate resources. For example, flora is an aspect of the natural ecosystem provided by earth. However, a healthy ecos

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