
The Reality of Abortion

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There are many different views and opinions on abortion. Roe vs. Wade was a court case that eventually led to the legalization of abortion; the case claimed that laws against abortion were in violation of the Fourteenth Amendment in the United States Constitution which stated individual rights. Although some arguments state that abortion should be illegal, we must consider our rights, as well as cases that involve incest, rape, and child abnormalities in the womb that may cause death to the mother; however, abortion should not be limited to these cases. Religious groups oppose abortion; however, they practice their religions because they have the freedom to. Women should have the freedom to have an abortion if it were their choice. Abortion is considered under many different circumstances; regardless of the situation, people should have the freedom to make their own choices. As the social issue stands, there are two sides; one side is called pro-choice, and the other side stands as pro-life; over the years, both sides have progressed movements to let their opinions be heard, and to reinstate the law. The pro-choice movement consists of people who feel that abortion should remain legal, and that a woman has a right to her body; it’s a woman’s choice. The pro-life movement opposes abortion and wants to re-establish laws against abortion; the movement consists of activists with negative views on abortion, those who see it as murder. Abortion is not murder and it should remain legal during the first six months of a woman’s pregnancy because a woman has a right to her body. A woman should know that she has the freedom to have an abortion if she wants. We are to consider our rights as individuals. It is what our Constitution states. Making abortion illegal would be in violation of the constitution. “According to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, ‘discrimination against women’ includes laws that have either the ‘effect’ or the ‘purpose’ of preventing a woman from exercising any of her human rights or fundamental freedoms on a basis of equality with men” (At Issue: The Ethics of Abortion). Society has made it complicated for women to exercise their individual rights. Women have struggled for their rights. America is not the country it once was; it has moved forward, it has progressed. Part of this progression has been contributed by “Women’s Rights”, including the right to a woman’s body. Pro-life activists should reflect on the circumstances with an open mind. In regards to happiness and fulfillment, a woman cannot enjoy her life if she continues with an unwanted pregnancy. She is bearing a child that she does not desire; furthermore, the child will be delivered into the arm

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