I never knew how that my life journey would have so many twists and turns. I have been through good times and bad, but they all add up to who I am today. I realize that some people would not want to have gone through some of the chapters of my life I have been through, but the end result has well been worth the challenge! I am happy and blessed to enjoy my life and to call this living! My childhood was filled with lots of trials. My dad was a cross-country truck driver so he would be gone for days or weeks at a time. He came home from one trip and found my biological mom in bed with another man. They got divorced and my sister and I lived with my biological mom. She told us that our dad didn’t love us and didn’t want to see us. On a visit with my dad, when I was four, I met his new girlfriend and she was very nice to me. He got married when I was six. My biological mom was the first to get remarried when I was five. Her new husband was a truck driver and an alcoholic. He would physically abuse my sister and me and my biological mom would do nothing. When she wanted to go on a trip with her husband she would leave us with her brother who would also physically abuse me. When I was five she left us with a neighbor who had three kids, two boys 18, 15 and a girl 17. While she was gone the oldest boy and the girl sexually abused me and the 15 year old abused my sister who was two. When I told my bio mom what had happened she didn’t believe me. Later on when I was seven she decided she couldn’t take my behavior anymore and told my dad she was sending me to Boys Town, a place for children with behavior problems, in Oklahoma. My dad told her that they would take me, so they went through the courts and my dad got custody of me. After moving in with them they told me I could call his new wife by her name or mom. I started calling her mom right away. My life changed drastically and they got me help when I told them what had been happening to my sister and me. My dad told my bio moms that she needed to get my sister help and she ignored him. At eight we moved to Texas, and my dad started working on Fort Hood at the lawn care office fixing their equipment and at an auto repair shop in Killeen. After about a year and a half we moved to Houston where he started working in the maintenance department at the Hilton Hotel. He worked his way up to be the supervisor and they moved him to the Airport Hilton to be the manager of the maintenance department. My parents moved closer to his new job and I stayed with my aunt to finish my sixth grade year. When my parents found out that she was doing drugs I moved to the new home. A year later my dad took a job offer in Austin, he went to Austin while my mom and I stayed so I could fin