1. Introduction Along with the increase of interest in understanding consumer choice behavior in internet shopping environments (Hoffman & Novak, 1996; Bellman, Lohse, & Johnson, 1999) and how a new generation of shopping infrastructures can be constructed based on these choice behaviors (Baty & Lee, 1995; Javadi, 2012) online shopping has increasingly obtained attentions from every social community as a new type of consumption mode (Dan Su & Xu Huang, 2011). Electronic is rapidly changing the way people do business all over the world. In the business-to-consumer segment, sales through the web have been increasing dramatically over the last few years. Customers, not only those from well-developed countries but also those from developing countries, are getting used to the new shopping channel. Understanding the factors that affect intention, adoption and repurchase are important for researchers and practitioners (Cheung et al, 2003), and in order to capture the important factors explaining online behavior. Internet shopping and buying behavior, which is also called online shopping behavior (Masoud, 2013), refers to the process of purchasing products through the internet. This process consists of five steps similar to those associated with traditional shopping behavior (Liang & Lai, 2000). Internet shopping and consumer behavior has become an emerging research area with an increasing number of publications per year (Cheung et al, 2003). The importance of an emerging research area is reflected in the increasing number of publications per year. The number of articles in the online consumer behavior literature has risen dramatically in the past years with over 120 articles being published in 2001 (Cheung et al, 2003). Therefore, the topic of internet shopping and buying behavior has been examined under various contexts over the years (Almousa, 2011; Hanjun, 2004; Javadi, 2012; Li & Zhang, 2012; Masoud, 2013). 1.1 Problem Statement People are increasingly turning to online shopping throughout the world, according to the statistics conducted ??by Internet World stats, at the level of the Arab countries, the number of Internet users, about 95.622 million users in 2010. The highest percentage in the Arab countries represented in the Arab Republic of Egypt; at 33 million users, followed by Saudi Arabia 12.4 million, and Algeria comes in third place with an 6.5 million users (Kurdi, 2014). However, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which has seen a remarkable development of Internet users in recent time, the number of Internet users in Jordan exceeded 5.6 million users at the end of 2014, recording a prevalence rate among users 74 % (Telecommunications Re