It was a dark night in the forest. There were three lifelong friends John, Jim and Tom. They decided to go camping on Saturday. They all were city people and had similar lives. John was a dad of two kids and owned a small restaurant. Tom was newly married and worked hard on being a CEO of a small computer business. Jim was single and worked for Best Buy. They all knew each other since they were kids and they drove to the mountains. It was fall and the trees were losing leaves. They drove farther out than expected and their car ran out of gas. Night was coming and the sun was falling and they turned on the radio and heard that two murderers escaped their county prison that day. They decided to sleep in the car because they didn't want to set up a tent and they decided they would find help in the morning. They slept and in the middle of the night Jim woke up and heard a loud yell. Jim walked out the back and looked around. He walked for a while and didn't know where he was and he saw the criminals and they killed him. In the morning John and Tom woke up and wondered where Jim was and looked around for a while but couldn't find him. They pushed the car closer to the entrance of the forest and night came again. They ate and had a good amount of food left they fell asleep and John woke up in the night and saw a ghost that looked like Jim and John passed out and fell asleep because he was so surprised. The next day while Tom and John were pushing the car John told Tom what he saw last night and Tom didn't believe him. They realized that they were running low on food the next evening. They turned on the radio to hear that the cops caught one of the escaped prisoners and the other one is in the forest that they are in. Tom and John were very tired from the hard day and realized that they were getting close to the entrance of the forest. They went to bed but this time in the middle of the night they both woke up and saw that Tom the ghost was ou