It may not come as a shocker to most that for many students just starting off on their own away from their parents it is common for them to let loose and abuse their freedom. Many new college students, both boys and girls, might have grown up in a home with some type of sexual boundary or restriction. Being so, when kids have their first sense of freedom there is no “leash” on them or someone looking over their shoulders making sure they're respecting themselves. Sex is one of the most notable topics in college, and many may even say that “everyone is doing it." This enhances the pressure on incoming students to feel the need to engage with others sexually, which also has the ability to result in promiscuity because of the lack of guidelines set. So for those in dire need of it, this will be your manual on how to successfully get through college without being sucked into the whirlpool of sexual escapades. Educate yourself on the possible diseases and infections that can be transmitted. There is so much freedom in college that it is expected for some kids to lose sight on being safe and taking care of yourself. Go into college with knowledge on how to keep safe and the risks; this alone will broaden your horizons and make you more aware and careful for yourself and others. The vast majority of people in college are more likely to have multiple sex partners with whom they are interacting, this making the risks even more relevant. To educate yourself you can read articles on statistics and ask other college students about their experiences and how they refrain from temptations. First off, be safe. The lack of consideration some people in college have for each other is unbelievable. There are so many STIs going around and you do not want to go through both the embarrassment and health risks of getting one on campus; chances are whoever you got i