As stated in the “Apology”, Socrates defines the examined life as a life that consists of morals and ethics. To truly examine life, you’d need guidance from the soul, putting wisdom and virtue before self interest. Living the examined life means questioning your actions before you act to determine if it is right or wrong. The good life is a life where one has a moral obligation and does the right/just thing. In this paper, I will argue why the examined life (good life) is undoubtably the best life to live. A life examined can actually be worthwhile because it allows you to improve yourself through questioning. Being examined during life can also bring great value; knowledge and purpose. Not being able to examine our lives, beliefs, values, and opinions puts us in a awkward position when problem solving. Our beliefs and values are what we live by. This brings me to why Socrates believed virtue was the greatest good. Socrates believed that people should be able to ask questions like why am I here, where am I going, and what I’m doing. To Socrates, all of those questions were a sense of knowing and approaching. For example, Socrates explains to Crito that he would rather accept the death penalty than give up his love for philosophy. Furthermore, throughout my years in high school, I spend a majority of time doing drugs. In that time, my life revolved around drugs. I pretended to be happy but just felt empty inside. I had an epiphany that my life is better spend pursuing my dreams and goals than wasting it doing drugs. I examined myself and slowly departed from drugs and focused on my dreams. Now I feel like my life has purpose as I am currently pursing my hopes and dreams. Thrasymacus once said,” The just is always a loser in comparison with the unjust”. I disagree, if you live just, then that goodness will affect your soul in a positive way but if you live unjustly, then your soul will be tainted negatively and affect you nega