On Thursday, December 4, 2014, I visited Westfield Century City in order to find out how LA’s citizens feel about living in one of the most well known cities in the world. Westfield Century City is a shopping center and marketplace located in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles. These days this mall is filled with people because the Christmas season has started. As I walked through the mall, which was filled with the joy of Christmas, I noticed a lady walking my way with three big Bloomingdale bags in one hand and a Coffee Bean coffee in the other. She had dark brown hair that came down to her shoulders, bright blue eyes and was wearing business casual attire. She looked liked the perfect person to start my interviews with. I stopped her and said, "Hi my name is Nevena Tepavac and I am writing a school paper for my English class about how the citizens of LA feel about the city. Do you have a moment to spare to answer some questions?" She looked at me, smiled, and responded, "Yes, of course." I then proceeded to ask her the first question I had prepared beforehand, "What do you do in the city during your spare time?" "Well, I like to go to the movies and I love hiking the Temescal Canyon trail, but my favorite thing to do would definitely be going to the Misfit Bar in Santa Monica with my friends," she responded thoughtfully. "Is there any specific reason why that bar is your favorite place?" "No, but my friends and I have been going there for years and its just the perfect place for us to catch up and unwind a little after a tiring work week." "We’ve had some rain the past few days how do you feel about that?" "I loved it, I thought it was refreshing and great for the enviornment especially since we’ve been in a major drought the last few years. Also, I was born and raised in Boston, and that kind of weather reminds me of home." "What first attracted you to come to LA?" "I went to USC and majored in pre-law, then attended th