
The Debate Over Unjustified Actions

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“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower For many, it is easy to voice an opinion about war, whereas for others that is not the case. War can be very controversial. A number of people will say that it is wrong, or unjustified. Although many may believe that, not many have the true experience of war. However, Howard Zinn in his article “ A just cause, Not a just war” speaks out about his opposition toward war. Howard Zinn served in World War II, and then received his Ph.D in history. After teaching at Spelman for seven years, he then became active in the civil rights movement. Howard Zinn expresses his objection towards an unjustified war stating various types of evidence to support his argument, to produce a well developed article. Howard Zinn not only argues that this war is unjustified, but he expresses why he believes it is a “just cause” rather than a “just war”. Though for him the distinction between the two may be clear, for the many that do not know the basic knowledge of A Just War Theory, will happen to find themselves at a loss. A Just War Theory is a doctrine of military ethnics that influences an observers perspective of war and peace. A JWT is made up of two sets of criteria, also adding a third one in, in the most recent years. According to Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy, the three components of A Just War theory are: First, jus ad bellum, which concerns the justice of resorting to war in the first place; second jus in bello, which concerns the justice of conduct within war, after it has begun; and lastly jus post bellum, which concerns the justice of peace agreements and the termination phase of war. In Zinns perspective he believes America fails at fulfilling criteria number two and three. The conduct within war is not justified and Zinn supports this position throughout his article. Many aspects of war can be viewed as justified o

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