The Book of Daniel is the account of the activities and visions of Daniel, which elaborates through journeys and lesson on him. The Book of Daniel is found in the Ketuvim section of the Tanakh (Matthews). The word Daniel means “God is my Judge." The genre of the book of Daniel is a Narrative History (Cohn). In both the Hebrew and Greek canons the book is titled after its main character, Daniel. The book is made up of six court tales and four apocalyptic visions set in the time of the Babylonian captivity (Bergan). The Babylonian captivity was a time when Jews were captives in Babylon (Wallace). Daniel connects the Old and New Testaments through Daniel. God revealed the exact date month and year of Messiah death and events leading to his return. Daniel demonstrates God’s complete control and comprehension over time and nations by giving detailed prophecies about the succession of kingdoms and rulers. Daniel tells the ahead of eventual establishment of Messiah’s kingdom, which will overthrow the kingdoms of this world (Wallace). For the reason, Daniel is often the most attacked book in the Bible because of the controversial accusations and words he proclaims. The Book of Revelation completes the plan started in the Book of Daniel. There are twelve chapters in the Book of Daniel. Those are 1: Induction into Babylon, 2: Nebuchadnezzar's dream of an image, 3: The fiery furnace, 4: The madness of Nebuchadnezzar, 5: Belshazzar's feast, 6: Daniel in the lions' den, 7: Daniel's first vision, 8: Vision of the ram and goat, 9: Prophecy of Seventy Weeks, 10: Vision of a man, 11: Kings of the North and South, and 12: Epilogue. Key people of of this book include Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Belshazzar, and Darius. Although the Book of Daniel is controversial, this Book has excellent information. During this report there will be background information on the Book of Daniel, themes will be expressed, and the two story sections will be described and analyzed. The book of Daniel was written by Daniel himself in the early years and another unknown source in the late years (Egermeier). The earlier years of the book are written book are seemed to be around the 6th century BC and the later version was written in late second Century ( around 165 B.C.). There are many opinions and disagreements on the true time the book was written, but these are close estimates. Also, another disagreement is if the book was written completely in the later time or a mix of both periods of time. The Book of Daniel was written for the future people and the people who want to know more about God and the outcome(Bergant). The purpose of this book is to provide a historical account how the Lord God protected and provided for His faithful followers while in captivity. It also includes a vision of future redemption and hope. The authors of the Book of Daniel are said to be one of the first apocalyptic or apocalyptic writers. The book of Revelations is known for being Daniel’s sister book because of the similarities that they share. In the book of Daniel, the authors speak of the end times (Egermeier). The format of the book of Daniel is