1. According to John Fiske, television is dominated by gendered programming. Gendered programing allows the industry to design specific commercials for men and women. Targeting a specific audience allows the industry to construct advertisements that will please the audience it’s targeting. For example, Steve Craig suggests that “Commercials portraying adult women with children were nearly four times more likely to appear during daytime soap operas than during weekend sports” (189). The reason for advertisers doing so is because around that time many men have already gone to work and also many women are stay at home moms. Another reason why they make gendered commercials according to Craig, because they “are designed to give pleasure to the target audience” (189). Which explains why commercials targeted towards men usually play on the weekend for example, how beer commercial usually air during football games. 2. Male camaraderie has become such a common importance in advertising aimed towards men because it exemplifies the escapism and fantasies men enjoy. The Acura advertisement aimed towards men shows us how a lot of men use their cars as a sort of escape from reality. The Acura commercial also reinforces male fantasies by showing a woman in the beach, however, she is nothing but an object of desire. Also, the Acura ad ran during a weekend sports telecast, which reinforces male camaraderie because it shows the escapism men feel when they watched the television. 3. Two roles that women play in the two types of commercials shown by Craig exemplify their desire for a better figure and their desire to be a motherly figure. The weight watchers commercial gives us an example of the first role that is shown by Craig. The commercial uses women’s desire to attain and maintain a physical attractiveness. The commercial implies that women hate self-deprivation and how they also hate their overweight body. Being a mother figure that