Many people seem to think they have the correct definition to what art is, but does anyone really know? William R. Bradshaw, an early eighteenth century English furniture and tapestries maker. Bradshaw contributed regularly to a number of magazines, and served as editor of two of them, “Literary Life” and later “The Decorator and Decorator and Furnisher." He was also associated with “Field and Stream” magazine. He wrote a number of books, most importantly on vivisection, but is remembered mainly for a work of fiction. Bradshaw Stated in "The Decorator and Furnisher" that, “Art is too subtle a quality to be defined by the formula of the critic. It is greater than all of the definitions that have tried to grasp it.” Basically Art is too delicate or mysterious to be defined, and there is no real definition to define it. According to him Art is greater than any definition people seem to come up with. What is Art? There are numerous definitions to define Art, Alfredo Casella, one of the best-known Italian piano virtuosos of his generation. He formed “The Trio Italiano” in 1930. This group played to great acclaim in Europe and America. His stature as a pianist and his work with the trio gave rise to some of his best-known compositions. In “The Musical Quarterly” Casella quoted, “Disregarding all past definitions of art, be they religious, moral or philosophic, let us postulate that art is LIFE in the highest sense of the word, seeing that it is a pure creative activity of the human spirit. According to him regardless of the past definitions, one should assume or claim that art is life. Life, which is so pure and creatively planned out. Granted some things in life aren’t planed, and plans change constantly. Artist also plan things out, but there are also some that freestyle. In life we create our footprints, we determine the path we take. Life is about taking some risk, just like art you try and try until yo