Tim and I met by chance. We were working for the same company, but in two different departments. I could look over from my station and see him when he was down at the end for his line doing his hourly checks. I worked in the quality control department checking the finished product, while he was in the extrusion department. We admired each other for quite some time before either of us even spoke. Because of the different departments, we went in and got off at different times and took breaks at different times. Needless to say, it was hard for us to catch each other. Work could be very hectic for us in QC if someone’s mold was slightly off. We would get parts that had many flaws and had to be scraped. On this particular day it was horrible. The molders were mad at us for scraping their parts but, if we sent them on to the buyer it would be our tails. I had my headphones on doing my job and next thing I know someone was up in my face threatening me because I was doing my job right, I was scraping his parts that were defected. It was a very stressful day. I gathered the trash and took it to the dumpster at the end of my shift and fell trying to get it thrown out. This just wasn’t my night. Finally, time to clock out and go home. I didn’t stop and talk to anyone, I tucked my tail and went straight to my car after that horrible day. There was a note under my windshield wiper when I got there. I thought to myself, what now. It was from him. It said, you are beautiful! My heart melted and somehow my horrible day just got so much better. When I walked up to my station the next afternoon, there was one single red rose sitting there. No note. I immediately looked over to him and he had a grin from ear to ear. It was then that I realized that I was falling for this man and had never even talked to him. On his way to break, he stopped over at my station and whispered to me that he really wanted to get to know me and gave me a piece of p