I believe that good and evil do exist. Philosophers like Augustine, Kant, and Plantinga also agree. Religiously and in nature this is proven to be true. In science particularly neuroscience this is proven to be false. Augustine once said, “God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to exist”. In other words Augustine believes that good comes from evil. Also that without good then there is no evil. But more or less of what Augustine is saying is that because of one being existent than the other has to for the one to go on and continue through life, to create a balance in the world between good and evil. Augustine believes that evil comes about in two different ways. One way is that it comes in physical objects such as imperfections, and defects, which lead to illness, deaths, and pain. The second is that it comes about from peoples reactions. For example the presence of fear, even though the action of fear is not evil, the result of fear is. But is the existence evil really rooted in actions and physical objects, or is rooted in power? Plantinga believed that God's creation of persons with morally significant free will is something of tremendous value. In other words God creating humans with the power to make their own decisions is deeply rooted in the existence of evil. In religion people believe that “God is omnipotent, and it was not within his power to create a world containing moral good but no moral evil” (Muehlhauser). Plantinga on the other hand believed that this was false. In fact he believed that though God was an omnipotent he needed to create evil in order to truthfully have good. “To create creatures capable of moral good, therefore, He must create creatures capable of moral evil” (Plantinga). “God is omniscient, omnipotent, and morally perfect; God has created the world; all evil in the world is [the result of free actions by created creatures]; and there is no possible world God c