The effectiveness of an advertisement is determined by a number of things: how well the ad appeals to its target audience, the ad’s ability to appeal to a wide variety of demographics, and how the advertisement draws the viewer’s attention are all key variables to an ad’s success. Jean Killbourne argues, “We are surrounded by hundreds, thousands of messages every day that link our deepest emotions to products” (257). Advertisements are meant to capture people’s feelings to material goods. This particular advertisement, showcasing Diet Pepsi’s new packaging, fulfills all of the criteria for a successful ad. This advertisement displays the new Diet Pepsi can as the center focal point. To the left of the product is a model, who appears young and attractive, drinking from the can through a straw. To the right are the words “The new skinny can”. This advertisement is successful because it makes use of a centric layout, along with subtle, suggestive tones to appeal to a wide target audience. This advertisement’s overall layout is effective at drawing the viewer’s eyes to the product. The can is fully visible in the center and is the obvious focal point. The plain, clean background is meant to accentuate the articles in the foreground. Building on the focal point of the product, the color of the background is a very pale blue directly around the can but fades into a slightly darker blue farther away from the product, giving the product the appearance of a soft glow. In the words "the new skinny can", the word “new” is made to stand out to emphasize that the product is new and therefore something that the consumer has more than likely not experienced yet. The placement of the model on the left and the brim of her hat over the top nicely frame the product without appearing to crowd around it. The straw serves as a direct line to draw the viewer’s eyes from the woman’s face back onto the product. The layout of this