There is a serious problem in society today that is neglected by many. What is this problem one may ask well, the problem is bullying. There are many people who are bullied on a daily basis not only in our school systems but on the internet as well. Being bullied is like being thrown into a hole that one can’t seem to crawl out of no matter how hard they try. Bullying happens right in front of people’s faces, most of which just ignore the situation at hand. Bullying is a problem that needs to be dealt with in a manor to assist the victim(s) of the bully. There should be a law or a program put into place so that bullies would have to go through so that they know what their victim(s) have to go through on a daily basis, because there is hardly ever an end to the incessant antics of bullies. There is no apparent reason in which bulling is ignored, however there needs to be something done to put a stop to the bullying that is happening on a daily basis. Imagine walking down a hallway and being witness to an innocent person being bullied not only physically but mentally as well. There needs to be a way to put a stop to these irrational actions that bullies so mindlessly contribute to on a daily basis. Bullying is a grave problem that society as a whole needs to put a stop to. Not only is bullying happening in a social setting but it also happens on social networking sites. If there were a program put into place to help lower the number of bullies what all would that entail, well there would have to be a fair amount of money put aside for this idea to become a reality. There would also need to be specialists hired to create the program. What the program would entail is another story, first there would have to be a series of simulations put into place. In the first simulation the bully will go through a week living the life of their victim. If the first simulation wasn’t enough to convince the bully that what they were doing was wrong then they would be sent into a more severe simulation where they live out a whole month in the life of the victim. These simulations would be costly but most likely effective in a way that most other reparations. This simulation could last anywhere from a month to as long as it takes them to see that their actions were wrong in more than one way. There are less costly ways to resolve the bullying problem, such as when a bystander sees an innocent person being bullied for no apparent reason said person could confront the bully and help the victim or they could go and get an adult to help with the situation at hand. There are ways to avoid costly simulations and that just so happens to be standing up for what a person deems is right and not many people deem bullying to be a positive action. The idea of a simulation is a big step for society to take, all the while it could be avoided by doing something as simple as reporting what they saw to a school official or by stopping what is happening right in front of their faces by intervening. One way would be for bystanders to tell a teacher or a school official or by the victim going to a school official or someone that they trust and tell them what’s going on; which is less likely to happen for the simple fact that the victim(s) don’t always feel comfortable coming out and telling someone about the problems that they face daily whether it’s happening on school premises or if it’s happening at home. There is also the possibility of someone being a bystander stepping in to intervene with what’s happening to the victim; whether it’s saying something or by just pulling the victim away from the situation. Bullying has become a serious problem not only in schools but it’s also happening online on social networking sites. The bullying issues in school’s run rampant, in some situations it’s because the victim doesn’t know how to tell someone what’s going on at school or they are too afraid that the bullying will get worse than it already is. Yes there are bystanders who see what’s happening but they are too scared to say anything or they just ignore the fact that the bullying is happening right in their faces. Cyber bulling is just as bad if not even worse than regular bullying, because bullying transfers from school to social networking sites. Just signing into a social networking site can be tough for persons who are being bullied, because they happen to be scared of what they are going to see and or what they are going to have to learn to deal with as well. The internet makes bullying easier and more assessable because peop