It was an early fall in the outskirts of the Dominican Republic. A quaint fragrance fills the air, as the sky brightens to a soft blue. The sun breaks out across the horizon, its warmth shines down on all before it, revealing the beauty that surrounds the farm. Cool soft winds sail across down from rugged mountains caressing your skin. In every direction there are new sights to take in, horses grazing on crisp green grass, beautiful trees with fall colors beginning to disperse their leaves, and the occasional warbler singing its song. At night, when the sky fades to a gray, the horses are alert as they move around snickering with their eyes wide and nostrils flared. A once lively environment is now calm and silent. Stars that were once dim come alive, glowing, sharing their light. The cool mountain air refreshes you as you begin relax, and catch sight of the dancing shadows of the nearby fire. But there’s much more to this beautiful hidden retreat. Deep within caves of the nearby mountains, hides an opening to euphoria. As you make the journey through the trees and forest covered in a blanket of brittle brown leaves along its dew covered grass, you are greeted by squirrels climbing from tree to tree looking for acorns, birds making their presence known through their singing, and the soothing harmonious tone of the river. At the entrance of the cave, its sharp ragged edges threaten to come down on you like a shark about take down its prey. As you navigate through the dark, moist tunnels the constant dripping and echoes get you on edge, especially the screeching sounds of a group of bats scrambling away. But once you reach the entrance, that which reflects the gates of heaven themselves, the closest comparison you’d be able to find here on earth. Instantly, the topography of perfectly curved slopes and edges covered in Cordierite colored water leave you breathless. The water, which flows smoothly without a single disruption in its p