Ecosystems are biological communities of interacting organisms and their physical environment. There are two types of ecosystems; an open and closed ecosystem. In an open ecosystem everything interacts with all parts of the environment. For example, animals are constantly interacting each other in a predator-prey relationship and also in a mating relationship to keep the survival of their species. This “open” environment is most likely the normal environment which can be seen in our everyday forests. However, in a “closed” ecosystem is most likely an artificial ecosystem that is created by humans to test a experiment. In this type of ecosystem there is a certain amt. of objects or organisms put into a space where the cannot interact with anything outside that space. There are two types of data known as qualitative data and quantitative data. For example, organisms cannot eat or mate anything into the same space in which they reside. Qualitative data is the how the object or organism appears(its color shape size). Quantitative data is how much an object or organism weighs basically anything to do with numbers. In this experiment a closed environment will be created. The hypothesis would be, if a balance of abiotic and biotic materials are put into a closed ecosystem then that ecosystem will survive. In this experiment a closed environment will be created and observations will be made on how the organisms are affected. The materials used in this experiment are a bottle, gravel, soil, air, plants, seeds, worms, pillbugs, water, duct tape, razor, cup, scale, scissor, acidity, and data table. After gathering the materials one should decide the amount of materials used (if amt cannot be recorded then record height instead or do not record). One should also record the weight of materials that are used in this experiment. 1 bottle = 30.44 grams, 9cm blades of grass = 18 grams, 4 lima beans, 100 ml water = 89.1 grams, 2 worms, 1 pillbug, acidity (PH) = 6, 11 grass seeds, gravel = 197.3 grams, and soil = 99.2 grams. Wash bottle thoroughly for absolutely surety that no soda traces remain. Cut an incision in about 2/3 the bottle. D