Theatre The city of Ž?ár nad Sázavou has got a very nice theatre building. I go there about five times a year, usually with my brother or parents. Occasionally I visit the Horácké theatre in Jihlava too. Jihlava´s theatre is much bigger and it´s more famous than Ždár´s theatre. I absolutely prefer comedies to serious plays. My favorite theatre company is The Theatre of Jára Cimrman because its plays are written with very kind and intelligent humour. I know nearly all their plays. I really enjoyed The Conquest of the North Pole which was performed in Ž?ár nad Sázavou theatre previous year. The best theater plays I have ever seen were Teremin and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Cinema There´s only one cinema in my city. In the past it was necessary to book the tickets for a performance in advance because the cinema was often full up and the tickets were sold out. But times have changed. Nowadays people have less free time. They´re even lazier when they have to leave their homes. They prefer watching television or video to going to the cinema. That's why I usually meet only 20 – 30 people at the cinema during the projection. I don't go to the cinema very often because of high price and uncomfortable cinema seats. I choose a film very carefully before I make a decision to go to the cinema. I look for some information about actors and film directors. The genre of the film isn´t so important to me. I´m interested in almost all the genres. My favorite actors are Matt Damon, Colin Farrell and Russell Crowe. I´m really into the films directed by Miloš Forman, Quentin Tarantino or Ridley Scott. Music Music is indispensable part of my life. I love listening to music. Listening to music is a great relaxation for me in my freetime. Music helps me concentrate while I´m studying. I used to go to piano lessons for 6 years and I have been learning to play the guitar for 2 years. I like going to pop concerts and festivals too.