Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, and Protestantism are all monotheistic; however, they all vary in their practices of their scripture and beliefs. Christianity is a faith that actually came from Judaism therefore they are similar in many ways. Islam, however, is the other religion that supposedly came from the line of Abraham, holds some similar theories and some very different theories. Christianity holds some extremely different beliefs from Islam with a decent amount of similarities too. Catholicism and Protestantism are actually cut from the same cloth so they only have minor differences in comparison to the other religions. Every religion is connected in some manner but all religions vary in some way, otherwise there would be no such thing as multiple religions. Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion, being founded in 1300 BC. Christianity, however, was founded in 30 AD. Both religions were founded in Palestine, though. The Christians had used Greek and Aramaic in its early years while the Jews used, and still use, Hebrew. The original leaders and founders of Judaism were Abraham and Moses, who appear in Christianity too. Abraham was supposedly the head of the major split of monotheistic religions; Moses had freed the Hebrews, the Jews, from Egypt and brought them to the “promised land”, Israel. Meanwhile the founders and early leaders in Christianity were Jesus, Peter, and Paul. Paul was probably the most effective leader because he was able to speak Greek and had Roman citizen ship, this is the reason in the bible the New Testament is filled with Paul’s letters to the growing churches. The bible, the sacred text of Christians, includes the sacred text of the Jews, the Tanakh, along with the New Testament beginning with the birth of Jesus Christ. Each religion has a very different view of Jesus Christ's position in history. The Christians revere Jesus as a divine being, believing he was born from a virgin. Along with the belief that Jesus died by crucifixion and was resurrected three days later and will come again, they also believe Jesus will come again. Jews contradict this by saying Jesus was a false prophet conceived in normal circumstances, was still crucified, but was not resurrected and will have no second coming. The Jews believe that their Messiah will be a political leader, someone who can deliver them into peace. The Jews do not believe the Messiah is a divine being. They were looking for another King David, a king of Israel who had been strong and wise. He had been able to keep his people safe until his death. The Christians, on the other hand, believed their Messiah had already come, and that it was Jesus. The beliefs of the spiritual world also differ substantially between Christianity and Judaism. One of the more important differ