It is shown through our creation, from the origin of man, that we were created in God’s image. Whether flowing from the Christian belief of the Book of genesis; “So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1:27)Along with stemming from the thousands of year old stories the belief is nurtured that humans were to act in such a way that pleases the Gods, throughout their daily life, in order to live their mortal lives in the most successful way and to ensure that tragedy is not brought upon them. The most basic understanding of mortal life is not that millions of people came from matter transformed here and there but that mortal life is created from the belief every person was made in the image a God. Gods have given us an immortal soul. With this comes the painful knowledge and reasoning skills that enable us to understand the way our lives should be lived to honor the creation that is us. We as humans were also given the gift of free will. This gift allows us to act on our own accord, to seek and enjoy what is real, superior, and attractive to our state of mind. Having such a gift leads us to the ability of trial and error. That is how we come to fully appreciate the morals and beliefs of our world. The all-powerful Gods, Gods understand the rules of life and values set forth by them, but to humans these are lessons that need to be learned. Take Adam and Eve. They were created in the image of God. These two are the origin of man and woman. With Eve’s unknowing whim she listened to the serpent who told her to eat from the tree of knowledge that god expressly told the two of them not too. She then shared this forbidden fruit with Adam making him forsake Gods rules as well. “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17) With this doing they became aware of themselves being unclothed and became embarrassed. God then punished then accordingly for the immoral act of disobeying the one true figure of authority. Now this immoral act of disobeying the father not only defied God himself, but it also punished every generation of human to come after Adam and Eve. This act we call the Fall, and because of the fall every human suffers from Adam and Eve’s original sin. Now we who were meant to be created in the image of Gods without ever having to undergo the moral injustices and the feelings that incline us to sin must suffer. Luckily because we were created in the image of a god we also have such a powerful u