?The benefit of having healthcare is very poignant to every individual’s life. Human beings have the resources to educate themselves on how to properly consume the adequate foods, the importance of being physically active, the risk factors of common diseases etc... Illness or disease can change a person’s life in a matter of seconds, days and months. The main asset human beings have in life is their health. The definition of healthcare is “The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions.” (Medical-Dictionary.com) Thus goods and services are provided to expand on human health. When our former President Barack Obama inaugurated his first presidency he introduced the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. His aim for the country is healthcare for all Americans. President Obama explains the benefits and compensation of the Affordable Care Act, he enlightens on the benefits the Act brings to the United States such as affordable healthcare to low income residents, reforms to the Healthcare Industry to cut wasteful spending, and the job opportunity the Act will supply; however, the Affordable Care Act proves ambiguity and will cause consequence to the American people. In 2010 Obama had signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or what is as well known as the Obama care bill. (Healthcare.gov, 2012) For many years in the United States, the two main political parties; Democrats and Republicans have been trying to improve for the American country to obtain better healthcare. As a result the Obama-Care will allow Americans that don’t qualify for insurance to attain it. Through profound debate the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and had passed in the House on March 21, 2010. Thus President Obama signed this bill into law on March 23, 2010 and established on June 28, 2012. (Healthcare.gov, 2012) The focus of the Obama care bill is to allow all U.S citizens to have admittance to superior healthcare. The Patient Protection and Affordable Act (Obama care) is composed of ten sections or titles. “Section 1 is Quality, Affordable Health Care for all Americans, Section 2 is The Role of Public Programs, Section 3 is Improving the Quality and Efficiency of Health Care, Section 4: Prevention of Chronic Disease and Improving Public Health, Section 5: Health Care Workforce, Section 6: Transparency and Program Integrity, Section 7: Improving Access to Innovative Medical Therapies, Section 8: Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act, Section 9: Revenue Provisions, Section 10: Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. (Healthcare.gov, 2012) Therefore the general principles of the bill are that there cannot be discrimination on masculinity or femininity. Insurance Companies may not eliminate coverage from the individuals that are ill. Insurance Companies must be allowed to rationalize any increase in the cost of coverage. As well, the U.S population will have the possibility to acquire or be provided with healthcare depending on employment and income off that individual. Coverage will not be deprived of if there are pre-existing circumstances. Co-pay won’t be required for birth control, domestic violence inspection and other key medical expenses. And small businesses will acquire tax credit if the merchant offers their employees with insurance. (Healthcare.gov, 2012) The Obama Care is designed to make Health Insurance attainable to most uninsured middle and low income individuals. Affordable Care Act will assist Medicaid development in low income Americans. “Up to 17 million Americans could be eligible for Medicaid...States that choose to can expand their Medicaid programs to legal residents under age 65 earning less than $15,302 for an individual and $31,155 for a family of four” (Obama-Care facts, 2012) After the Act takes effect most Americans will be able to notice a reduction on their insurance premium, although to qualify they must be making under the 400%. “Middle income Americans (those making between 133% - 400% of the federal poverty level), and employees will be able to use tax credits and subsidies on the exchanges to save up to 60% of the current cost of premiums making insurance affordable to up to 23 million Americans.” (Obama-Care facts, 2012) The individuals that earn over 400% of the