Living in the 21st century means that humans will be exposed to many improvements in technology. Technology such as video games will change the culture around us humans and more specifically children and teens in the future.Video games have recently been on the news and have received negative attention since some games display strong violence.Video games separate their audiences into two groups, children and adults.Mature audience games being the ones in the middle of the controversy considering that overtime we now see children asking for the games that their older siblings play.The point I'm trying to bring to the table is that labeling games with an age limit is exaggerated and false, so what im proposing is to remove age restriction from games that are intended for a mature audience for the reasons that these type of video games can help children and teens by enhancing abilities to problem solve,by making teens happier,and by helping teens realize the consequences of a crime with out actually being punished. All reasons for why age restrictions should be taken off the cases of every video game that is sold to the public. Violent Video games are most often seen from a bad perspective as Bezio Kristin notes that society has always looked for something to blame when tragedy happens “Before video games, society blamed rock ‘n’ roll for violence and bad behavior among young people. Before rock ‘n’ roll, we blamed television. Before television, movies. Before movies, mystery novels, which were once known as “penny dreadfuls.” Before mystery novels,Shakespeare” what I'm trying to impose is that violent video games are just a propaganda tool that media uses to cover up bad things. We always look for a yes or no answer to most questions since its simple and it doesn’t waste a lot of time but in this case its more complex and I strongly believe that when it comes to the topic of why or why not violent video games should be played by a younger audience the cro