The Graduate is a good movie but not funny. It makes me think about my future. Suddenly, I have no idea about my life after graduation. This film tells something that graduate students may suffer. I do not know the answer to the future after I graduate, but I know the difficulties I have to face, and principles I have to insist. The Graduate tells the story of Ben. He does not like the environment of the parties that are held by his family members and their social circles. One of ladies of Ben’s parents’ friends, Mrs. Robinson, tries to seduce Ben. Ben has no idea about accepting or refusing the request of Mrs. Robinson. Then, Ben falls in love with Mrs. Robinson’s daughter. He is blackmailed into telling her about his affair with her mother, and in revulsion, the girl departs to Berkeley. Ben pursues her, and get her with his perseverance finally. The shot of Ben in a new scuba outfit walking into the family pool in front of his family members and friends of his parents is the best shot of the film. From Ben’s parents and other people’s view, the heavy outfit is a symbol just as education background of Ben. For this part, the director gives a long-shot of Ben. He stands in the deepest place in the house. People clap and commend to Ben. From Ben’s view, he can see but cannot hear anything clearly except for his heavy breathing. This shows people in the film that just see the bright future of Ben, but no one tries to care about the thought in Ben’s heart. These beautiful things to Ben are like heavy shackles which tie Ben. When Ben walks into the swimming pool, the world disappears and just leaves silence and blue. He enjoys standing at the bottom of the pool quietly and alone. However, he still has to leave his own world, and faces to good things and difficulties. I really love the shot. The shots of relationships between Ben and Mrs. Robinson are abundant but not lengthy. The director uses montage to connect different s