
Biography of Queen Victoria

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What is an effective leader? An effective leader is a person who makes a difference in a nation either positively or negatively. A good example of an effective leader was Queen Victoria. She was born on May 24 of 1819 in London. Victoria was taken care of by her mother and her German governess, Louisa Lehzen. Her mother started to take her on trips around England in 1832 and when she became of age in 1837 she took the throne on June 20 (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Before the Victorian age, England was similar to the Middle Ages. King and nobility controlled the civil government and the church controlled the Christian orthodoxy. Each class had its own rights and duties and the village agriculture and town craftsmen were economically organized (Swisher 42-43). Although Queen Victoria came to power at a young age, she was still an effective leader because she was intelligent, she helped industrialize England, and she had many followers.  Queen Victoria was an effective leader because of intelligence. For example, "Victoria's initial advantages were threefold-her youth, her sex, and her already clearly formed sense of duty Her sex, which might in certain circumstance have been handicap, enabled her to make a special appeal not only to the public but to her prime minister, Melbourne. He was fascinated by the 'girl-Queen' and she by him, and the first phase of their 'partnership' between 1837 and 1839 was stimulating and happy for both of them” (Swisher 32-33). This proves that Queen Victoria was an effective leader because she used her advantages to become an effective leader. The people of England were intrigued by the fact of having a Queen as the ruler especially at such a young age. Her youth tricked people into thinking that she had no effect on them, but they were proven wrong. Queen Victoria showed the world that she was able to be a great leader even though she was only eighteen. Also, “Victoria learned to speak and write German and French as readily as English. She was also taught literature, history, geography, and the Bible. She was given lessons in singing and in playing the piano, as well as in painting, a hobby that she enjoyed into her sixties” (Arnstein). Therefore, Queen Victoria had the education to be an effective leader because she was taught in many subjects that would educated her for the future. She knew many languages which helped her communicate with different governments and gain allies with those countries. Queen Victoria's intelligence helped her improve and industrialize England in a positive way. Queen Victoria used her knowledge to create a stronger England and eventually industrialized her territory into bigger things.  Even though Queen Victoria was intelligent, she also helped industrialize England which is another reason why she was an effective leader. For instance, “The exceptional expression of this self-congratulatory stance was the Great E

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