Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy within the first sixteen weeks of the pregnancy (Abortion-Reasons why Women Choose Abortion, WebMD.com, 6/5/13). It is performed with a procedure in a clinic or through the use of a pill. Some people believe that the mother is killing an innocent child or they think it is a sin to perform an abortion; people who are against abortion are called pro-life. While people who believe it is the women’s choice to decide whether or not they want to terminate are called Pro-choice. I personally side with the beliefs of the pro-choice. Pro-Life groups often believe that life is sacred and it is a sin to kill an unborn child, these views are often due to religious beliefs, for example the bible talks about this in several different locations. In the Bible it is stated that you should not kill an innocent person “Do not shed innocent blood” (Jeremiah 7:6). Killing an unborn child would be spilling innocent blood and would therefore be a sin. The Bible also says “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), in this quote the bible clearly states that murder is a sin and should not be done, killing an unborn child is murder and should be viewed as illegal and unmoral. Pro-Life groups such as the Pro-Life Action League view their cause as saving innocent children. On their website their motto is “Pro-Life because actions speak louder than words (Pro-Life Action League.com). This group can often be seen taking action while protesting outside of abortion clinics, they also try and help women who have unexpected pregnancies find alternatives to abortion. They connect these women to Crisis Pregnancy Centers that provide women with the financial and emotional support needed. Pro-life people are against abortion due to the belief that the fetus is always a life, they view its stage in development at the time of an abortion as a sign that it is a life that should not be killed. The child at the time has some h