1. With the combination of factory work and the hull house, Hilda reveals multiple occasions where she mentioned personal experiences with of certain stories. Four years passed before Hilda returned to the hull house due to long hours of factory, which made her too tired to go out on the evening to the hull house. Although when she turned seventeen, she could no longer stand a life confined to sewing cuffs during the day and reading romance novels at night. She often mentioned about the leisure hours she spent at the hull house that offered her to soak up information about books and music and arts and crafts, it also offered her a social stimulus which she stated she starved from. She also mentions “Typhoid fever” that came about in the house due to the pipes in the house being defective cause of the polluted sewage water. Causing this spread if the fever. In her own words she states that the hull house was “oasis in a desert of disease of monotony” Although these condition weren’t good it still make it bearable for Hilda to work long hours at the factory knowing she had the house to comeback to. The most important part of the Hull House, would be the way that it offered multiple people the chance to take classes and engaged in higher quality acts then simply working cause it offered the people like Hilda to broaden themselves in books and music etc. like mentioned earlier. 2.“Unverifiable” stories give readers unique access to the “feel” of a place and a time; they provide sounds, smells, tastes, attitudes, and emotions. Polachecks reliable profile would be with the backup of different times in her life that can display a detailed profile of how she saw things and the way it helps the reader depict the different sounds, smells and times as well as places. First to start off with the very beginning of how she explained the luxury and pleasantness of her home country. By saying “In the 1950s living in a big house near white sandy beach, by Vistula river, in wloclawack, Poland, warmth of her heated home in winter, the delights of the family garden in spring the beautiful silver trays and shiny brass candle stick in the dining room, the delicious noodle soups and apple pudding that we had for Sabbath dinner.” As well as stating some of the negative aspects that show the reader what it was like during the Russian oppression, “50,000 people would be in a particular territory known as the “Pale of settlement”. Where the Russian government confined and controlled over 5 million Jews.” This briefly shows the reader about the vast numbers t