Social media has consumed our society and is very popular today and everyone uses it. Nearly every college student uses some type of social media site. Students use it to communicate with each other, share photos, and meet new people. Social media plays a major role in college and is very beneficial in today’s society. But there are some evils associated with social media as well. Many colleges use social media to tell students and families about themselves. But social media also allows colleges to engage with new students keep in contact with alumni, and gain feedback which helps improve the schools image and reputation. Furthermore, colleges use social media to find funding opportunities and keep students updated on events that’s going on around campus. A lot of students and alumni find out about event through social media. Therefore, social media keeps everyone informed and it creates a strong campus community that sticks together. Social media is very beneficial in today’s society. Social media is way to meet new people. It increases social interactions and connections. It also keeps people updated with the news that’s going on around the world. Social media is very useful for communication, contact and it connects people together. However, there are some evils associated with social media. A lot of people tend to spend too much time on social media. In the article, “Imaging Life Without Social Media”, by Ryan Lytle, it states that “The study, which garnered feedback from 800 Harrisburg students and faculty, found that roughly 20 percent of the respondents spent between 11 and 20 hours a week using social media.” That is entirely too much time being spent on social media sites. So because people spend so much time on these sites they become addicted which is very bad. It harms their performance in other activities and it causes mental health problems. It is clear to say that social media has taken place of a variety