
The Consequences of Bullying

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Every day, approximately 160,000 teens skip school because of bullying (Carlisle). Bullying has become a serious problem these last few years as more and more students are getting bullied in school. The number of reported bullying incidents has increased from 10% in 2008, to 30% in 2012 (Carlisle). It is affecting students’ ability to learn and their future education. Something needs to change before it gets any worse. Most people think that only the victim of bullying is the one who is being affected; however, when bullying occurs, the bystanders, the school, and the bully are all affected negatively. First, it is never easy to stick up for someone who is being bullied. It takes a lot of courage to say something when you see somebody getting bullied. Unfortunately, only one in five students who witness bullying actually report it (Long). Students are afraid that they might become the victim if they do anything. It is because of this that bullying is becoming an even greater problem each year. When a bystander fails to act, it not only affects the person being bullied, but it also affects the bystander. According to StopBullying.Gov, a bystander who does nothing will often feel very guilty, which then can lead to depression. That person will blame himself or herself for the victim getting bullied. The guilt often escalates leading to the onset of additional problems. These problems can manifest itself in the student turning to addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs, as this is a way for the student to relieve some of the guilt they are feeling (Long). Unfortunately this is not the answer for the student, and will just make the situation worst. From there, everything will go downhill. The student will start to skip class because they do not want to witness the victim getting bullied; they feel it is their fault because they are not doing anything about it. Once the student starts skipping class, there is a thirty-three percent chance that the student will drop out a

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