
Teenage Drinking and Alcoholism

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Many teenagers drink on a routine basis, but most of them do not realize the negative effects of alcohol. often, adolescents are influenced by their peers and the desire to belong in various social situations. Underage drinking can lead to negative effects in a teenager's life. There are several contributing factors to teenage alcohol abuse, such as peer pressure, low self-esteem, and the experimentation with different types of alcohol. During adolescent development, young teens are often pressured by their peers to drink alcohol. Nearly all teens reach a point in their lives where they no longer perceive themselves as children, nor do they want to be perceived as children. Most teenagers learn from what their classmates and parents do or say. Older teens influence young teens to drink by pressuring them to fit in with the “cool kids.” The effects of a teenager being pressured into consuming alcohol can not only lead to driving under the influence, but can also lead to suicide. Drinking can cause alcohol poisoning, fatal car crashes and other substance abuse. However, peer pressure is not the only reason teenagers participate in heavy drinking. Another reason why teens drink is to cope with depression, rejection, and their self-esteem problems. American teenagers drink to feel more confident about themselves, to look and feel older, and to cope with the stress in their everyday lives. Unfortunately, the long-term effects of alcohol can cause teenagers to have severe memory loss, suicidal thoughts and violence towards their peers. Low self-esteem can make teenagers feel like they are unable to function in society, so they drink alcohol to relax and empty their minds. Other effects on teenagers with a low self-esteem include irrational thinking and radical decisions. Many teenagers never have the chance to experience the great opportunities that life has to offer because they end their lives. Suicides are caused by teens, who are str

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