This process of the good life is not, I am convinced, a life for the faint-hearted. It involves the stretching and growing of becoming more and more of one's potentialities. It involves the courage to be. It means launching oneself fully into the stream of life. (Rogers 1961) This essay will make some observations on the difficulties in applying Rogers Person Centered Therapy to addiction counseling and to the concept of self actualization (fulfilling your potential and being all that you can be). Finally, the challenges facing counsellors employing the core conditions of listening, congruence and non conditional positive regard. Carl Rogers Person Centered therapy is an excellent humanistic approach to counseling but perhaps best utilized to underpin theorists such as Bill Miller and Gerard Egan. Core Conditions Rogers' Person Centered Therapy is based on the simple concept of a trusting genuine relationship between the client and the counselor which helps to bring about change and growth. The counsellors’ only role in this developing process is to be congruent, have an empathic understanding of the clients’ frame of reference and be non judgmental. The client is felt to be responsible for his own life and capable of finding solutions within himself without any suggestion or guide from the counselor. These three traits of Empathy, Congruence and Unconditional Positive Regard are developed into six conditions which Rogers believes are sufficient to bring about personality and behavioral change. When two people are engaged in a counseling session the counsellor is genuine, non judgmental and empathic towards the client. This is communicated by paraphrasing, reflecting feelings and summarizing which demonstrates to the client that he is hearing, understanding and accepting him. The client, who will be in a state of incongruence, should then get some sense of the counselors’ compassion and unconditional positive regard towards him. Rogers believes that no other conditions are necessary and if they exist and continue over a period of time, constructive personality change will occur (Kinsella, Maurice. Class notes, 2014). Addiction Rogers places importance on a clients unique personal experience (subjective reality) rather than focusing on past behavio