The story of Beowulf is a timeless tale that many people have heard before. Beowulf is the great Anglo-Saxon hero who represents all that is good in the world and fights to protect the innocent. Beowulf goes out to battle monsters like Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the firedrake in order to keep the people safe. This part of the story will always remain the same and will never change. However, when comparing the novel to the movie there are in fact both many similarities and substantial changes when it comes to the character of Beowulf. When comparing the character of Beowulf in the novel and the movie there are many similarities between the two. Both the character in the novel and in the movie possess the same basic personality traits and characteristics. These include things such as possessing typical characteristics of an epic hero. In both the novel and the movie, Beowulf is described as being the best and bravest of the Geats. It can be seen that Beowulf’s physical strength is above all others. In addition both the book and movie show the courage that Beowulf possessed in traveling a great distance to battle Grendel for the Danes. “When Beowulf had heard all the stories about the dreadful deeds of the demon Grendel, he determined to go and help Hrothgar, if he could.”(Page 20) This demonstrates the unselfish quality of Beowulf wanted to help do whatever he can that is found in both the character in the movie and in the novel. Another similarity between the novel and the movie is that in both Beowulf is praised as a hero by the Danes after defeating Grendel and a huge feast is thrown in his honor. “All this for Beowulf! Honor to Beowulf! Long live Beowulf, who has freed us from the monster Grendel!” (Page 45) For all of these similarities there are just as many differences between the novel and the movie. In contrast, there are substantial changes between the character Beowulf in the novel and in the movie. First ther