Within Homer’s Iliad, many characters are illustrated as prominent heroes or leaders who continue driving the epic throughout its many battles, stories, and dialogues. Characters of the sorts of the Greek heroes Agamemnon and Achilles exemplify the physiognomies of heroes or at least display the common heroic desire to be remembered as heroes through increasing their bounties, achieving greater military ranking, and satisfying their blood lust by killing as many enemies as possible. Only Hector, the leader of Troy, attends to his duties by courageously attempting to protect his country, lead his men in battle, and care for his family. Hector predominantly stands out as the only true leader in the Iliad. Hector is introduced in Book VI of the Iliad, and it is immediately made known that he is a mere mortal man. As the leader of the Trojan army, Hector’s mortality seems futile to the power and might of Achilles, the demi god leading and fighting for the Achaeans against Troy. Nonetheless, Hector stays with his men throughout the epic, and as such, his courage and bravery in facing Achilles despite the immanence of certain defeat supports Hector’s leadership quality by showing his support and dedication to his nation and men. Reading further into Book VI, Hector seeks out his brother Paris in order to bring him out to fight with the remaining Trojan army. While waiting for Paris to arm himself, Helen, Paris’ wife, urges Hector to rest and sit down to which he responds, “Don’t ask me to sit. Helen, even though you love me. You will never persuade me. My heart is out there with our fighting men. They already feel my absence from battle” (Lines 378-381). In this quote, Hector displays a strong connection to the woes of the men he has been leading and encouraging to continue fighting the Achaeans. The connection and sense of dedication Hector shares with his army is so strong that he refuses to even rest but for a moment. By this profound notion, Hector embodies the leadership quality of duty to his men. Along the next several lines, Hector tells Helen that he plans to visit his