Can the music industry be blamed for the corruption of our youth? This question can go either way. People say that because of the words in these songs people go out and disobey the law, but they do not have the power to make a person go out and kill, steal or sell drugs. The individual has that option. This is a timeless question that has and will always be asked. As long as violence is happening and there is music, society will find a way to blame something or someone. This was the same question that was brought about as far back as Elvis Presley or Little Richard and their “devil music”, that talked of sexual activities and that made the youth of the time dance provocatively, this dates back to the early 1950’s and 60’s. So, what type of influence does music have on the generation today? Do lyrics such talking about selling drugs, having fancy cars, or “pimping ho’s” make the youth of today do the same thing? Does music influence children negatively? Yes. Do they tell them to go pick up a gun and kill a friend just because? No. I can say yes that music especially the hip hop genre has a negative influence on our generation today, promoting things such as, smoking marijuana, degrading women, and violence, but they also tell them truths of what is going on in the world. It may not be the most educational or glorified way, but it is also not the sugar-coated way they would learn in school or through their parents. Many people may or will disagree with many of the things I present in this paper, but my purpose of this research paper will be to inform and to get one to think about what really influences and convinces our youths to behave the way they do and to want what they want. As a product of the hip hop culture and that environment they speak of I know first hand the things that can influence you to want to do certain things or behave a certain way. Music does have the influence to change how people think. Yet, people s