The reservation system in India is one of the most sensitive issues that attracted the interest of the general public,policy makers and the politicians alike.while some batted for it, some are against it.Here in this essay i tried to put forward my views on this issue in a succinct manner. Thoughts of People who have Reservations They (our forefathers) suffered from the worst forms of discrimination and subjected to exploitation and exclusion.Hence we remained backward and the reservations are necessary to write off the historical indemnities inflicted on us and to give a fillip to our social position vis a vis other advanced sections in the socio hierarchical ladder.In a nutshell the following sentence captures the views of these people #"They(our forefathers) suffered from discrimination and exploitation and we are enjoying the benefits of the reservations"# Thoughts of People Who Do Not Have Reservations They (our forefathers) robbed the benefits of the weaker sections and lived on the fruits of their labour.They practiced inhuman untouchability and despised them.The strands of view of these people on reservations are varied 1. why should we bear the brunt now for the past acts 2.What is the justification for reservations on the basis of caste when the birth of ours into a particular caste is beyond our control, in other words why the primordial ascription still holds the ground? 3.Yes reservations are necessary but how effective are they? 4.Why reservations which are essentially intended to remove inequalities among various classes helps in the creation of a class within a class.For example there isn't any creamy layer for the reservation of sc/sts. This helps the well off sections among these communities garner all the benefits using their social, economic and cultural capital.Hence the rich become the richer and the poor become the poorer, worse they become the poorest.How often do we see the progeny of a rickshaw puller reach