
Poetry of the Romantic Period

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The Romantic period lasted for from 1785 to 1830. It was a time of turbulences that required the beginning of changes. During the Industrial Revolution, agriculture becomes modern industrial, people move from suburbs to the city for work convenience, and rapid growth and crowd were observed. Romantic poets were highly influenced by the time, a large number of produce poems share very similar themes. In contrast with the current change, these poets tend to let their mind and imagination wander in solitude as one with nature, and this can be easily seen through some of the famous poems such as “Rimes of the Ancient Mariners, “I wandered lonely as a cloud,” “Ozymandias.” The theme of solitude prevails the clearest in Rimes of the Ancient Mariners, written by Samuel Coleridge, in its third part. The ship has been stuck on the ocean for quite some times. The sun setting and “the stars rush out” describes the end of a day, as well as foreshadow the end of the whole crew on the ship. The image of a ghost ship, under the effect of the sun, resembles of “dungeon gate” opening up, along with the woman of the ship, known as “the nightmare [of] Life-in-Death slowly approaching and crushing their hope of being rescued. The woman wins not only the game against Death but also the right to decide the mariner’s fate. He is therefore denied the right to die. This part ends with a simile, depicting the death of the whole crew, all but the mariner. The “heavy thump, a lifeless lump” of “four times fifty living men repeats as they “[drop] down one by one” becomes a torture for the mariner to watch. Their soul flees and, “like the whizz of [his] crossbow,” shoots right through his very soul. He is to suffer through an agonizing life in death, as a punishment for killing the albatross in an earlier stanza. Another famous theme of the romantic period, the idea of a tormented soul in need for a change, predominates. In "I W

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