I believe people are neither good nor bad. When we are born, we are in a neutral state of mind, but have our basic human instincts, or, as Darwin said, "the survival of the fittest instinct like animals." I believe as we grow older, our life experiences, family, friends, and culture mold us into our own unique personalities and encourage us to become either good or evil people. In addition, our animal instincts make us look like evil people in today's society. The influence of our peers, social media, and culture is crucial. Our parents are the first people who set the example for us. They taught us how to treat other people with respect and what is right verses what is wrong. The things our parents teach us are not always necessarily the right thing. It is something they have learned from someone else who thought it was the right thing to do. There are a lot of things that could be different, such as criminality, the pressure from society, cruelty, and lack of caring. These are the factors that drive people to make bad decisions. Our society has set laws to protect us from our own instincts. Without the laws, people would act much differently. Due to the fact that people are born with animal instincts, they do not always have good judgement in life, and decide to choose the easiest way to do something. In some cases, it might lead to committing a crime. For example, think of a shark killing a dolphin for food. The shark is not evil for killing the dolphin because it is trying to survive. We are born with these instincts to survive just like any other animal until we are put in a dier situation where we must either pick to die or survive. Every human being possesses an armory of instincts that keep us alive. The human instinct of survival is our most powerful drive. Everything that humans have become, how we think, what emotions we experience, and the ways we behave and interact with others, serve that essential purpose. We are of