Introduction "The Sin Bin," by Lucy Cross is about a young girl named Lucy Cooke who is put in detention in a school greenhouse, after she has hit poor Penny Jones, a girl from her school. While she is in detention, Lucy is drawing while trying to look for her friend, Bethan. Setting This story takes place in a school in Cardiff, Wales1, but mostly within the school’s greenhouse as mentioned before. It is hot in there and it smells like wet and earth. She is in detention for an hour, alongside another student named Simon Parle and the teacher who takes detention, Mr Paterson. Narration/Point of View Lucy is the first person narrator, which makes for a reliable narrator and provides us with her own thoughts and feelings. The story is also seen through Lucy’s point of view. As an omniscient narrator, Lucy is intrusive and comments on the other persons and both her own and their actions. Characters The story focus on several characters, but keeps most of the focus on Lucy and Bethan, while some other characters are introduced. Lucy Cooke: The main character of this story and one of the most intelligent girls at her school.2 Presumably in her teen years and actually a real mom’s girl. But due to the influences of her new best friend Bethan, she then gets into trouble, which is something that does not characterize her. She started getting bad habits such as smoking, wearing make-up and breaking some of the rules. Throughout this story, you get the feeling that she is kind of a weak girl, who is not really repellent when it comes to people’s opinions of her. She is insecure of her status, so she looks for protection by becoming friends with Bethan. Her self-confidence is low. She has a hard time trusting herself and her own opinion. It is shown by her saying “Bethan says” or “my mom says” – which could be seen as a sign of her not believing enough in herself. This makes her an easy victim of group pressure. Bethan: T