In a news article by CTV concerning, “Myths about Canada’s Poor Endure," a poll finds that many Canadians do not understand the severity of poverty and the detrimental affects it has. The public assume it is those in poverty’s fault that they are poor, as they are lazy and do not want to get a job. A poll done by the Salvation Army revealed that Canadians see poverty as the third most important issue in the country yet, they do not accurately know what it means to be poor. The public do not understand the extent to which systemic barriers and minimum wage make it difficult for many to make a life for themselves or their family, stripping those in poverty of their dignity. The article by CTV news is a fair media portrayal of the unrealistic myths behind penury. Outlining the importance of enlightening and educating the public, while presenting factors that put the myths to rest. Not assigning blame or jumping to unreasonable conclusions for the occurrence of these myths, leads one to deem that it is a fair portrayal. Although, the article does not state how the data was analyzed or how the sample size was selected, I have assumed it is valid and reliable as CTV is a reliable source. However, biases may have occurred as those asked to comment on the poll were all working towards the eradication of poverty, thus their opinions will be one sided. While some problems may arise, the overall use of statistics, reliable sources and different opinions makes what is being said believable, thus framing a reasonable article. Impoverishment, specifically referring to the myths surrounding it such as, “those in poverty are lazy, have low moral values and could find a job if they really wanted,” is a social issue that should not exist. One in 11 Canadians (about three million people) live in poverty, but few people have a realistic view of what it means to be poorA long list of factors including low paid jobs, lack of access to job training or affordable housing, mental health and addiction problems can trap people in poverty,” putting the myths to shame (CTV News Staff, 2011, p.1). Dispelling the myths behind poverty, and poverty in general, is an important social issue that needs to be addressed as it targets the vulnerable people that are living below the poverty line, but may also impact the Canadian population as a whole. Those in poverty are powerless people and the myths decrease their ability to escape poverty’s grasp as society further alienates them by holding unrealistic views. Those who have family or friends living in poverty will be affected as well as Canadian citizens as a whole, as it is the duty of the society to protect its people and to become educated on the harshness of poverty in order to reach out and help. A developed country th