18 years ago, I was born into the Masters’ family. I had a wonderful mom and the best dad in the world. My dad was honestly my first love; I was the apple of his eye. It sounds weird, but if you would’ve seen how close he and I were, you would know where I was coming from with what I was trying to say. I wasn’t the only one who fell in love with my dad. My Mom did too. I always loved to watch them get along, and when they fought, it wasn’t for long. They were in love, and that love made me, and they loved me as much as they loved each other. My dad and I did so much together while mom was at work. It’s the type of relationship that could honestly make a lot of people jealous. He was not, JUST my father. He was also my best friend. I could joke around with him about anything, he was always there to make me laugh and he always made me feel like I was the most important thing to him in the world. I mean being his ONLY daughter, of course I was, but he always gave his attention to my mom too. No one was ever left out in my house. I can’t tell you how many memories we had in that house. But it felt like I only had a short time with my dad, he left on March 4, 2006. I was only 10, but because I couldn’t really remember any memories from when I was a baby, it felt like I only spent about 5 years with him. At first I was so sad, and heart broken, because I had just lost my best friend. After a while, I got so angry and selfish, I would occasionally think “Why? Why did you abandon me and my mom? We both need you, I know I need you, you were my first friend, and the best thing that has ever happened to me.” The years after that were basically hell. I was always angry, and depressed. I didn’t know what to think. I started acting out with my mom, I stopped listening, and I stopped caring. As I grew older, I rebelled more and more each and every day. On a good day, my mom and I would get along, and I was starting to pick myself