With the rapid revolution of mobile phones, the appropriateness of cell phone use has recently become a major concern in society and has increased the scientific drive to explore associated health risks. Through scientific exploration, it has been proven that cellphone use triggers exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which has the ability to kill and modify living cells in the human body. The damage caused to these living cells has been found to have a negative impact on the health of human beings, causing fatigue and headaches, as well as brain damage and possibly cancer; additionally cellphone use has been proven to cause psychological health issues including depression and anxiety. The increasing awareness of these associated health concerns has driven scientists to develop solutions to mitigate such risks. These solutions include decreasing the amount of time spent using cell phones and keeping cell phones as far away from one’s body as possible. Cellphone use has become increasingly prominent over the last decade. With such increased use, scientists have become concerned with the production of electromagnetic radiation, and the effect that this has on the human body. Electromagnetic radiation can be described in two separate categories: ionizing radiation, and non-ionizing radiation. According to A. Zamanian, and C. Hardiman, ionizing radiation “contains sufficient electromagnetic energy to strip atoms and molecules from the tissue and alter chemical reactions in the body” denoting its ability to cause damage at the atomic level [1]. Adversely, non-ionizing radiation occurs on the lower part of the frequency spectrum, with energy levels that are unable to cause damage at the atomic level. Both forms of electromagnetic radiation are known to be associated with cellphones, and has been found to cause tumours, cancer, headaches, fatigue, and other serious diseases [2]. According to the United Nations Scientific Committee, radiation exposure damages living cells, “causing death in some of them and modifying others.” The committee expressed the fact that death among a large number of cells will cause significant damage to organs, which could potentially lead to death. If affected cells do not die, but rather become modified, they can often be repaired. However, the committee stresses the fact that if the cells are not repaired perfectly, the modification will be transmitted to further cells, and eventually lead to significant health issues within the human body, including cancer. Modifications can also occur in cells responsible for carrying hereditary information. If a modification of a hereditary cell is not perfectly repaired, it can cause hereditary disorders in both the affected individual and their offspring, even if the cells of the offspring are not directly exposed to the radiation [3]. Scientific research has identified the cell damage caused by cellphone use to cause minor health issues including fatigue, headaches, burning sensations and more. According to Nedaa Al-Khamees, “analysis of 3,274 completed questionnaires from throughout Kuwait show a significant effect of exposure to cell phones for [multiple illnesses]” some of which include ear numbness, heartbeat distur