The Holocaust has always had some interest to me. Learning about it in high school we were taught the basics, but I always have had many unanswered questions. Throughout this course I want to understand how all of this happened in Europe yet the United States didn’t find out and help till the end of it. I would also like to learn more about the experiments done my Dr. Mengele, Known by many as the “Angel of Death”. What made him want to conduct all of those tests? And why he was so fascinated about twins. Did any of his tests that he did on the Jews help with today’s current knowledge of the human body?I remember learning that Nazi’s would tell children that if they turned someone in that they knew was Jewish or not in the Arian race they would be rewarded. But how else did they find out who was Jewish? I’m sure they didn’t go door to door asking people. But still there had to be some way of how the system was executed. In “The Diary of Anne Frank” her family hid in an attic to avoid being captured by the Nazi’s. It interests me to know how other people avoided the capture as well. And what kind of punishment was given to the people who were not Jewish but helped them hide? Surely they were not just let off the hook. I have heard many different theories as to why Hitler deemed the Jewish population unacceptable. Such as his father being Jewish, or that he was trying to get in to an art college and the people on the admissions board that denied him were Jewish and he wanted revenge. Personally I think that both of those theories are much exaggerated and I doubt that is what caused this massive hate in him. But why did he target these people? And if the first theory is correct or even a little bit true why would he want to kill something that he is himself? What did they do while they were in the concentration camps? I know that some were killed right when they got there because there were either too weak or old and