
Andrew Cline on Media Bias

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Andrew Cline makes his point very clearly and thoroughly throughout his article about media bias. His article contains many facts that support his theory that bias is a natural part of someone’s life and it cannot be avoided. Cline acclaims that people have biased opinions based on past experiences and if they haven’t had past experiences in that topic than they do not form an opinion. He believes that all biased opinions are categorized in something he calls “structural bias”. Cline breaks this “structural bias” into many bias categories such as commercial, temporal, visual and many more. He believes that the media is not biased towards liberals or conservatives but rather both have an equal amount of bias in their given reports. Cline portrays the press as a right or left kind of decision, some picking left and some picking right. He says this is not a simplistic decision for the people because it does not give an accurate depiction of reality. Cline states in his article, “A theory offers us a model that tells us why things happen as they do. Further, a theory allows us to predict outcomes and behavior.” By this statement, he is trying to explain that past experiences allow us to predict certain situations. Cline is also explaining that reporters give biased opinions, which allows us to make self conclusions about the news. He claims that journalists make false assumptions, which helps create political bias news by reporters. Cline inserts later in his article “Language mediates our lived experiences.” This statement is the basis of his whole theory. He believes nobody has an objective point of view. Life experiences shape a person’s mind into the way they think about certain things, as Cline claims during his article. Andrew Cline’s article about political and media bias is very accurate from my point of view. I believe that it is impossible for someone to give an opinion without forming around the basis

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