Hacking has been around for a while; starting with telephones and on to computers, but there is a specific type of hackers that are prominent and commonly very social in the world today. They are called hacktivists. Hacktivists are hackers that promote social or political causes. They are basically online activists and protesters. Hacktivism is a nonviolent form of protest and can be done illegally or legally. Hacktivists also do not always act alone. Some hacktivists form groups. These groups can become powerful and take control of parts of the web. All of them have their own intents, usually none of them bad, and act on them through them web to try and send a message to who they are protesting against. I have chosen a group of hacktivists to research. This group of hacktivists is called Anonymous. Anonymous’s name was inspired by how users could post items on the internet anonymously. This first notable instance seen of Anonymous was in 2003 with the 4chan raids. Anonymous would raid the website with pranks and gags and as that happened 4chan’s website traffic increased greatly. One of the most famous incidents of Anonymous is the Project Chanology incident, in 2008. In Project Chanology, Anonymous targeted Scientology. This is when they first became associated with hacktivism. 4chan users organized and raided the Church after making Tom Cruise a letter in violation of copyright after earlier praising the religion. They prank called the Church, sent faxes to waste ink, and sent Distributed Denial of Service attacks against their websites. Several were arrested, but later Anonymous launched a video against the Church saying they will take them off the internet. This caused large protest for a few months then gradually died down. Anonymous also participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement and many others. Anonymous was also noted one of the top 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2012, even though they