Race can be defined as classifying someone based on how that person looks, for instance their hair texture, face features, eye shape, skin color and the language they speak. Throughout middle school, high school and college I have learned that race is defined as a social group who shares the same culture or beliefs, and have similar physical characteristics. But, I never stop to think about how the term “race” became a part of our daily life especially that it could influence and be used to separate people by different ethnicities and not just be seen as human beings. Now that I’m taking this class, it made me analyze and question since when did we began to label society by a specific race, who decided that human beings needed it to be labeled as a specific race, and most importantly, why do we still do it now days. According to the Bible, we all are descended from Adam and Eve, but according to Charles Darwin we are part of an evolution system. But, what is important to know is who really created the sense of “race” or “ethnicity” within humans and social groups. This paper will talk about how race was introduced into society, the reasons to justify the division of such groups, and the effect on implementing such distinction. The United States was the primary creator of racial division and racial formation by slavering Africans, destroying Native Americans, through the expulsion of Indigenous people and by taking over their land. Americans created a notion of race among society. American’s wanted to justify all their horrible actions, by trying to prove they were the better people, the chosen ones, and therefore all other people who not look liked them, were condemned to serve, or to be the lesser people. One of the ways in which the United States implemented a “racial worldview” was first by overpowering the Native Americans. The English Colonizers were the ones who first began using the word “race” to refer to those groups of people who were from a specific group who shared the same beliefs, way of living, and lived within the same geographic area. “The English colonizers, consciously or unconsciously, selected the term race to refer to these groups, although they could have chosen other such terms as stock, or breed, which had been used as classificatory terms before the 18th century”(Smedley, pg154). An example of those groups was the Native Americans. Before Christopher Columbus arrived to their land, they had their own way of living. But, everything changed for worst with once Columbus came to their land. When Columbus first landed and had an encounter with Indians, he knew he would have complete domination over them. Not only did he implement Christianity within Native Americans, but he also forced the segregation of Indians. At first Columbus was friendly and traded goods with them. Once Columbus had gained their trust, he forced Native Americans to comply to obey and comply with their way. Columbus wanted their gold, land, and their goods