Most good wives hold the responsibility of making sure their husbands can be the best husband, father, and man possible. In William Shakespeare’s "Macbeth," Lady Macbeth first appears to be the driving force behind all of her husband’s actions. However, as the play progresses, this seems to change. When she learns of Macbeth’s plans to kill Fleance and Banquo, Lady Macbeth is no longer supportive. She switches from promoting and encouraging her husband’s actions to not backing them at all. Lady Macbeth’s true feministic traits are being exhibited as she feels that Macbeth has become too power hungry and crazy, for killing Fleance and Banquo is not necessary in her mind. When Lady Macbeth learns of her husband’s next planned murders, she no longer feels they are useful and believes that Macbeth has become extremely irrational and power hungry. She becomes overwhelmed with concern for her husband and his mental state, as it seems that he will do anything to keep the prophecies from coming true. In Act III Scene II, Lady Macbeth attempts to calm him before the dinner banquet with Banquo. She tells him, “Come on;/ Gentle my lord, sleek o’er your rugged looks;/ be bright and jovial your guests to-night” (Shakespeare 29). Lady Macbeth knows her husband extremely well, as any good wife does. She sees that the witches’ prophecies have gotten to his head and that his intent for evil has greatly increased. Even though Macbeth never directly tells his wife of his plans, Lady Macbeth’s connection with her husband is so great that she already knows his plans on murdering Banquo and Fleance just by his actions and the way he is conducting himself. She tries to offer him advice by stating, “Things without remedy;/ Should be without regard: what’s done is done” (Shakespeare 13) However, Macbeth does not take these wise words and insists on terminating any threat to his throne. This change from Lady Macbeth in Act III is a b