Hello Mr. Brown, we are here today to go over the results of your cholesterol panel, which was taken in your previous office visit. First, I am going to read you the results and then I will explain what each result means. The following is the results of your panel: Triglycerides - 145 mg/dl Cholesterol: 210 mg/dl HDL: 33 mg/dl LDL: 160 mg/dl Triglycerides are a type of fat that is found in your blood. Anytime that you ingest food, your body converts the calories it does not use into triglycerides. They are stored in fat cells and hormones release triglycerides for energy between meals. So if you eat more calories than the ones you burn, you typically will have high triglycerides levels. Your triglyceride level of 145 mg is considered normal, which is great. Cholesterol is a substance that originates from two different sources, your body and food. Your liver produces the cholesterol that is needed in your body and circulates it throughout your bloodstream. High cholesterol is also caused, in part, by genetics or family history Cholesterol can also be found in meat, poultry, and whole fat dairy products. When you ingest food with high cholesterol or Trans fats, your liver will produce high levels of cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol in your blood can form plaque between layers of artery walls, it makes it harder for your heart to circulate blood. Your total cholesterol level is 210 mg, which is considered borderline high cholesterol. LDL-C stands for low density lipoprotein cholesterol, also known as the “bad cholesterol”. It’s known as the bad cholesterol because it’s one of the major ingredients in plaque buildup in arteries, which causes a disease names atherosclerosis. Your LDL level is 160 mg, which is considered high. You need to bring this number down to a healthy level. HDL stands for high density lipoprotein cholesterol, which is considered the “good” cholesterol. It's called the “good cholesterol” becau