
Ten Tips for Surviving College

21 Pages 646 Words 1557 Views

Starting college is the beginning of many discoveries. You’ll be challenged by new professors, peers, subjects, environment and most importantly a new routine very different to the one you were used to in high school. It’s very important that you organize your time accordingly so that you can deal with homework that the college life encompasses. Here are ten rules intended to help your survive college life: Rule #1: Note everything that you learn. In university, professors don’t have much time to resume old subjects, and there is a heavier study load. So that you won’t get lost, always note the material done in class, all the books or chapters that have to be read before class time and all the homework. Noting these will help decrease the risk of you getting confused. Rule #2: Rest. Even if the number of pages you have to read or research papers that has to be completed is big, don’t forget to always take time to rest. A rested mind absorbs information easily and your study will be more productive. Rule #3: Study in groups. Study groups are an excellent way to exchange ideas. Help those who may have a difficulty in the subjects where you have good grades, and take time to ask questions or any concerns on subjects that you don’t fully understand. Rule #4: Ask questions. If any doubts arise during class, don’t be afraid to ask the professor. Being unsure can undermine everything that you’ve learned previously. Even if there is a heavy load to teach during a class, professors will always answer questions at the end of class. And remember: there is no such thing as a stupid question. Rule #5: Don’t try to be perfect. It’s very normal for your college grades to be slightly lower than they were at high school. Do not lose hope and please don’t despair. Continue following your list of studies, ask questions if in doubt and read the supporting material. A positive attitude can go a long way toward helping you be a

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